Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

Grow Your Natural Health Business Now as a Trusted Expert

Grow your natural healthcare business now as a trusted expert
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How to Position Yourself as a Trusted Expert in Natural Healthcare

In today’s crowded natural healthcare space, establishing yourself as a trusted expert is key to building a thriving practice or business. Whether you’re a practitioner, run a holistic clinic, or offer products in the complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) sector, your clients want to know they are receiving care or services from a qualified, credible professional with an unassailable reputation!

Now, before anyone says “But I’m not an expert!”, I want you to know that you really are! No one else has your unique take on things, no one else has your lived experience, so you bring something special to your work – YOU ARE THE EXPERT IN THE WORK YOU DO! Sorry to shout in capital letters – but this comes up time and again when I’m teaching and I really want to get the point across – once and for all. Have confidence – you are brilliant!

Becoming a recognised authority in your field doesn’t happen overnight, but by taking strategic steps, you can significantly boost your credibility and attract more clients. In this article, I’ll walk you through some proven ways to position yourself as a trusted expert in natural healthcare and how The Complementary Medical Association (The CMA) can help you along the way.

Why Authority Matters in Natural Healthcare

In natural healthcare, trust is everything. Clients come to you for guidance on improving their health and well-being, and they need to feel confident in your ability to provide the best possible care. However, with the abundance of information (and misinformation) available online, many people are more cautious than ever about who they turn to for advice.

By positioning yourself as an expert, you differentiate yourself from the competition and give potential clients a reason to choose you over others. When they view you as a trusted professional, they are more likely to follow your recommendations, return for repeat visits, and refer others to your practice or business.

1. Showcase Your Qualifications and Credentials

Your qualifications and experience are the foundation of your expertise. Whether you’re a CIM practitioner, run a training school, or offer holistic products, it’s important to clearly communicate your qualifications to clients.

  • Display Your Certifications: Highlight any certifications or accreditations that demonstrate your expertise, such as your CMA Membership. Displaying your CMA Certification both on your website and in your business reassures clients that you meet rigorous professional standards.
  • Ongoing Professional Development: Keep your credentials up-to-date by pursuing CMA Continued Professional Development (CPD). Show that you are committed to expanding your knowledge and staying current with industry trends by participating in relevant courses, workshops, and seminars.

Being registered with The CMA instantly enhances your credibility. Our certification is widely recognised and respected in the natural healthcare profession, and it sends a strong message to clients that you are a committed, qualified, ethical professional.

2. Publish Thought-Leadership Content

Another effective way to position yourself as a trusted expert is by sharing your knowledge with a wider audience. Writing articles, blog posts, or producing videos that offer valuable insights into natural health can establish you as a go-to authority in your field.

  • Start a Blog: Share practical advice, insights, and tips related to your specialisation. A blog is a great platform for educating potential clients and building trust. Make sure to link to reputable sources, like The CMA website, and include case studies or testimonials to strengthen your points.
  • Guest Articles and Interviews: Writing for established publications or participating in interviews is a powerful way to reach new audiences and showcase your expertise. Reach out to complementary health blogs, online magazines, or podcasts and offer your insights on current health trends or common issues in the field.
  • Social Media Presence: Maintain an active social media presence to engage with your audience and share expert content. Share informative posts, articles, and videos related to natural healthcare, and encourage discussions with your followers. This keeps you top of mind and shows that you are well-informed and approachable.
  • Share CMA News, Articles and Social Posts: You are welcome to share CMA articles etc. it is, however, vital that you credit the source correctly – and link back to The CMA site. If in doubt, simply contact us at [email protected] to check correct attribution.  We are always happy to help.

By consistently providing high-quality, valuable content, you build credibility, attract more clients, and establish yourself as a thought leader in natural healthcare.

3. Offer Educational Workshops and Webinars

Hosting educational workshops or webinars can be an excellent way to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise. These events allow you to connect with potential clients in a meaningful way, offering them valuable takeaways while positioning yourself as a knowledgeable, trusted resource.

  • In-Person or Online Workshops: Offer workshops on relevant topics, such as managing stress naturally, improving gut health, or integrating complementary therapies with conventional treatments. These events give potential clients a taste of your approach and knowledge, making them more likely to trust you as a practitioner, teacher or other natural healthcare service provider.
  • Live Webinars: Hosting webinars allows you to reach a broader audience, even beyond your local area. Choose a topic that resonates with your target clients and offer actionable advice or insights. Be sure to promote your CMA affiliation during these events to reinforce your credentials.

4. Gain Media Coverage

Media coverage is a powerful way to build authority in the natural health industry. When potential clients see you featured in reputable publications or media outlets, they automatically associate you with expertise and credibility.

  • Press Releases: Share any newsworthy achievements, such as receiving a CMA award, completing a new certification, or launching a new service. Press releases can attract media attention and boost your visibility within the industry.
  • Pitch Ideas to Journalists: Reach out to health and wellness journalists with story ideas or offer to provide expert commentary on relevant topics. Being quoted as an expert in an article or featured in an interview further solidifies your reputation.

By positioning yourself as a trusted source of information, you’ll reach new audiences and further establish your credibility.

5. Build Strong Client Relationships

Clients who trust you are more likely to refer their friends and family to your practice. Building and maintaining strong relationships with your clients is one of the most effective ways to grow your business.

  • Personalised Care: Provide personalised, attentive care to each client, showing that you genuinely care about their well-being. This creates a bond of trust and encourages long-term loyalty.
  • Follow-Up Care: Regularly follow up with clients to check on their progress, even after their initial consultation or treatment. This demonstrates that you are invested in their health journey, and it builds lasting trust.
  • Client Testimonials: Encourage satisfied clients to leave testimonials or reviews online. Word-of-mouth referrals are incredibly valuable, and testimonials from happy clients can help build your credibility with potential new clients. Remember that we have provided you with some wonderful business-growth templates that you can brand with your own identity.  Included in these is a Testimonial template to make it easier for you to get your glowing testimonials asked for, responded to and organised – ready for you to post on your site, socials and elsewhere!
  • Want to know why testimonials are so important? Read this eye-opening article to see how they will transform your business!

Leverage Your CMA Membership for Success

As a CMA Member, you have access to valuable tools and resources that can help you establish yourself as a trusted expert in natural healthcare. Here’s how you can make the most of your CMA Membership:

  • Display the CMA Logo: Incorporating the CMA logo on your website, business cards, and promotional materials instantly adds credibility and trust.
  • Networking Opportunities: Take advantage of CMA networking events, both online and in person, to connect with other professionals in the industry. Building relationships with your peers not only enhances your own knowledge but also opens doors for collaborations and referrals.
  • Stay Informed with CMA Resources: Access our library of resources to stay current with the latest trends and research in complementary medicine. Being informed helps you provide cutting-edge advice to your clients, further positioning you as an expert.  Did you know that this site, alone, houses over 7500 fully researched, evidence-based articles that you can draw from?  Please make use of this incredible resource – again ensuring that you cite your source as The CMA to further boost your credibility.

Positioning yourself as a trusted expert in natural healthcare is one of the most effective ways to grow your practice and build long-term client relationships. By leveraging your CMA Membership, producing valuable content, and offering educational opportunities, you’ll be well on your way to establishing yourself as a respected authority in your field.

For more tips on growing your natural health business, check out our important articles on avoiding burnout, and caring for the carers – business building while caring!

By Jayney Goddard MSc, PG Dip Ed, FCMA, President, The Complementary Medical Association. This article forms part of The CMA’s Natural Health Business Growth and Support Initiative

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