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The Complementary Medical Association

Crystal Healing 

Crystal Healing 
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Crystal Healing 

Folklore is steeped with references to the magical powers of crystals and gemstones. We are all familiar with the idea of fortune-tellers gazing into crystal balls and foretelling the appearance of tall, dark strangers. However, few of us realise that crystals are actually used by the vast majority of people, every day. Quartz watches, computers, televisions, and many conventional medical techniques would not exist without crystals.

What is Crystal Healing?  

The scientific theory of Piezoelectricity posits that certain solid materials, such as crystals, ceramics, and bones, can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy or vice-versa when pressure is applied. In fact, we base our entire measurement of time upon piezoelectric vibrations from quartz crystal. Lighters harvest the surge of piezoelectricity into a spark that ignites a flame.

Crystals vary their structure when they are subjected to changes in temperature, water levels (hydration), and they even change colour if you alter their electromagnetic field – we use this characteristic in order to see the black figures on the face of a quartz LCD (liquid-crystal display) watch. 

Crystalline structures are everywhere – even in the human body. These are found on the surface of cells and in the cell ‘battery’, the mitochondria. If we experience changes in water, electromagnetic field, or temperature, then biochemical traffic across the cell membrane can be altered, as well as the energy production capacity of the mitochondria.

Crystals can, almost like a lens, ‘focus’ the electromagnetic fields that surround cell membranes and mitochondria. This means that during crystal healing, placing the crystals on nerve clusters usually found around the chakra areas, could lead to significant alterations in the traffic of neurochemical messengers within the nervous system, and thus affect body-wide chemistry. Given that emotions are often controlled or varied by our body chemistry, it is easy to see how crystals could affect even our moods.

Is Crystal Therapy Effective?

Crystal healers will not usually claim to treat specific ailments, rather, they aim to holistically improve a person’s health on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. There hasn’t been much scientific research into crystal healing, but there is very strong anecdotal evidence to suggest that people do feel better after a treatment.

What is a Treatment like?

As with all forms of complementary medicine it is vital to see a qualified crystal healer. The healer will enquire about your health, lifestyle, and medical history.

These questions help healers build up a picture of you as an individual – they will then decide which crystals might be most appropriate.

You will then be asked to sit in a chair or to lie on a couch. There is no need to remove any clothing. Sessions with a crystal healer may vary according to what the healer deems best for you as an individual at the time of consultation.

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