submit your articles to The CMA

Exciting opportunity - submit your articles to The CMA to be featured on our website and seen by thousands of visitors every month.

Would you like to submit an article for publication in The CMA's NEW weekly Newsletter or for The CMA's website?

This new initiative from The CMA is specifically designed to help you promote your business.

This incredible opportunity is open to all our Registered Members as an amazing new CMA Membership Benefit:

If you’ve always wanted to share your news, views, case studies and more with your professional colleagues, journalists and the general public – we have a fantastic opportunity for you – as our weekly e-Newsletter goes out to 26,500+ recipients all of whom are committed complementary medicine fans.

Our audience comprises CMA Members in all categories: Practitioners, Training Schools, Students, Journalists, Retreat, Spa and Clinic owners, CMA Approved Suppliers and other Associations and their Members. Our newsletter also goes out to members of the public and doctors/medical staff who are really open to learning about the latest news and research in this fascinating field. Our newsletter is shared far and wide and in total, our overall readership comprises approximately 50,000 people!

My colleagues and I are really excited to see your articles – so please don’t hesitate – we are here to help!

There is no charge for this incredible opportunity! This is a new Membership Benefit for CMA Members only! This publication offer is an incredible opportunity to grow your business by becoming a published CMA contributor.

Remember that publishing an article is an incredible way of building your profile and credibility – and improving your online visibility – thus contributing to substantially growing your profile.

We ONLY accept articles that are genuine news articles – we do not accept ‘advertorial’ pieces – so please don’t submit these as ‘articles’ as they will be rejected. Our readers and site visitors want to learn from your article and they are hungry for ground-breaking information.

This is an incredible opportunity to spread the news about your work and your developments and to tell the world about what you are doing – and how you are helping people.

We do not charge to publish your articles – unlike many other platforms – as we believe that well balanced, reliable information should be freely available – especially if it helps people make informed decisions about their healthcare.

This no-charge-to-publish policy sits well within The CMA’s remit – that of being a non-profit organisation – run by complementary medical and natural healthcare experts – who believe that the healthcare options offered by our Members support the greater good!

If you have any questions please feel free to call us on 0800 841 1066.

Many thanks!

Many thanks for your help with all of this. It will really help us save a lot of wasted time enabling us to get on with the exciting business of publicising your valued work and ideas!

Please only submit your article once you have downloaded our PDF using the button above and have read the instructions carefully.

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