Amber – Crystal Healing
Amber brings joy, freedom from anxiety, and it lifts flagging spirits. In Crystal Healing amber is used as a detoxifier, for cell regeneration, and for balancing hormones.
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Amber brings joy, freedom from anxiety, and it lifts flagging spirits. In Crystal Healing amber is used as a detoxifier, for cell regeneration, and for balancing hormones.
Crystal Healers use Amethyst to treat headaches, eye disorders, balance low-blood sugar levels, and mental disorders. It is a stone of peace and will often cut through layers of illusion so you can see things as they truly are.
Sunstone helps you move away from any fears you have of expanding on any level, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Crystal Healers use it as a catalyst to enable you to expand on an emotional and mental level.
Carnelian is used in Crystal Healing to avoid negative emotions and thoughts, as it helps with the flow of creative energies. Also used to ease asthmatic breathing, lower high blood pressure, and relieve menstrual cramps.
Blue Lace Agate is helpful for those wishing to attain inner attunement. Crystal Healers use it to cool the inflammation of arthritis, to strengthen the skeletal system, for digestive disorders, and problems with central nervous system.
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