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Lavender – Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil
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Lavender – Essential Oil

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia, formerly Lavandula officinalis)  

Lavender is one of the best known of all the oils, and it is one of the few oils you can use on the skin undiluted. Lavender oil has the ability to regulate the nervous system and is now used in hospitals on the patients to ensure restful sleep. This oil should be in every first aid box. Also used as a herbal remedy.

Uses include:




Immune system support


Skin problems

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) / Pre-menstrual tension (PMT)

Minor burns




If skin is sensitive, a patch test is advised before direct application.


The oil sends calming messages to the brain making it a sedative and relaxant.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Pillow: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto your pillow when you go to bed.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light the burner.  

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.


Soothing and calming

Directions for use

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required. 

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Pillow: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto your pillow when you go to bed.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light the burner.  

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.


Lavender oil is a strong analgesic.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light burner.  

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.

Facial Massage: Mix 1 drop of pure essential oil to 2 teaspoons of almond or grape seed oil, or any other carrier oil, and rub into face. Use daily.

Immune system support

Works well on an immune system is depleted due to stress.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.


Eliminates toxins through the pores.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Massage: Mix 20ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Skin problems

Especially on acne, broken capillaries, and eczema, this oil is soothing and antiseptic.

Directions for use

Compress: Add 1-2 drops of pure essential oil to 1 litre of warm water. Lay sterile material on the surface of the water thus attracting a film of oil onto the cloth. Apply the material onto the affected area and leave for 10 minutes. Repeat daily.

Facial Massage: Mix 1 drop of pure essential oil to 2 teaspoons of almond or grape seed oil, or any other carrier oil, and rub into face.

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise onto face. Do not do if the skin is very sore as the steam may ‘burn’ already painful skin.

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) / Pre-menstrual tension (PMT)

Strengthens the spirits. 

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light the burner.  

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.

Minor burns

It is antiseptic that speeds up cell replacement and prevents scarring.

Directions for use

Topical application: Apply neat oil to the scald; for more serious burns seek medical help.

Compress: Add 1-2 drops of pure essential oil to 1 litre of cold water. Lay sterile material on the surface of the water thus attracting a film of oil onto the cloth. Apply the material onto the affected area and leave for 10 minutes. Repeat daily.

Stings (especially bee)

Analgesic and antiseptic. 

Directions for use

Topical application: Mix 5 drops of pure essential oil with 1 teaspoon of your chosen carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) and apply directly to the affected area. 

Compress: Add 1-2 drops of pure essential oil to 1 litre of cold water. Lay sterile material on the surface of the water thus attracting a film of oil onto the cloth. Apply the material onto the affected area and leave for 10 minutes.


Beneficial in the treatment of all genitourinary infections. 

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Further Information

Where grown: Lavender is an evergreen shrub with aromatic leaves and flowers that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Originally from the Mediterranean, it is now grown all over the world. It is grown for commercial use in France, Italy, Tasmania, and the UK.

Parts used and method of extraction: The flowers and leaves are used, and the oil is extracted by steam distillation. 

Colour and smell: Clear or faintly yellow with a sweet floral scent.

Active ingredients: Ethers of linalyl and geranyl, cineol, geraniol, l-pinene, linalool, borneol, limonene, caryophyllene, the esters of butyric acid and valerianic acid, and courmarin. 

Properties: Analgesic, antidepressant, decongestant, antibiotic, bactericidal, vermifuge, antiseptic, sedative.

Mixes well with: Marjoram, chamomile, rosemary, sandalwood, and jasmine.

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