Frankincense – Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil
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Frankincense – Essential Oil

Frankincense oil (Boswellia carteri)

Frankincense takes its name from the Old French for ‘high-quality’ or ‘true’ incense. Records show it has been traded on the Arabian Peninsula for more than 5,000 years. It was brought to Europe by the Crusaders around the 11th century.

The value of Frankincense oil in the Eastern world was higher than gold, and its uses were many. It was traditionally used in meditation, with the psychoactive chemicals stimulating the subconscious, and for this reason it is reported to have a mind-bending powers. It was used on aged and wrinkled skin, perfumes, and medicine. It was even used in the embalming process. 

Uses include: 

Respiratory infections

Nervous tension and stress-related conditions




Do not use on babies 0-12 months old or infants of 1-5 years old.

Respiratory infections

Frankincense also helps boosts the immune system. Colds, coughs, bronchitis, and catarrh respond well to this oil. 

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops to bath water and lie back and relax.

Inhalation: Boil up 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise onto face. Do not do if the skin is very sore as the steam may ‘burn’ already painful skin. Use once a week. 

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light the burner.  

Nervous tension and stress-related conditions

This oil slows down breathing and calms fraught nerves.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops to bath of water and lie back and relax.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light the burner.

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.


For dry and mature skins this oil is rejuvenating.

Directions on use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Compress: Add 1-2 drops of pure essential oil to 1 litre of warm water. Lay sterile material on the surface of the water thus attracting a film of oil onto the cloth. Apply the material onto the affected area and leave for ten minutes. Repeat daily.

Facial Massage: Use 2-3 drops to 2 teaspoons of almond or grape seed oil, or any other carrier oil. Use daily.

Inhalation: Boil up 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise onto face. Use once a week. 


Frankincense oil has an affinity with the genitourinary system.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops to bath of water and lie back and relax.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Further information

Where grown: It comes from a tree belonging to the Burseraceae family, which is native to Africa and the Middle East.

Parts used and method of extraction: Hardened gum resin is extracted by tapping and steam distillation.

Colour and smell: The oil is clear in colour with a tinge of yellow. It has a woody, sweet, and warm smell with a hint of pine.

Active ingredients: Phellandrene, camphene, various resins, l-pinene, dipentene, olibanol, and others.

Properties: Astringent, anti-inflammatory, pulmonary antiseptic, and toning.

Mixes well with: Tea tree, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, or any citrus oil.

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