Is The CMA affiliated with any government agencies?

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Is The CMA affiliated with any government agencies?

The CMA is an independent organisation, separate from government agencies. However, we actively engage in advocating for the interests of complementary medical Practitioners, Students, Training Schools, Approved Suppliers, and all our Members in all categories.

We also support the broader Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CIM) community. While not directly affiliated, we work collaboratively with various stakeholders at governmental level to ensure the voices of professionals in this field are heard in policy discussions and decisions that impact our sector. 

How The CMA has helped our Members and the wider profession

A recent victory, for example, was during COVID where we managed, first of all to get the four governments in the UK to cease categorising complementary medicine alongside massage parlours (yes, they really did!). We went on to score yet another major victory by getting the Government to change the law so that complementary medical professionals could return to work! 

We persuaded the Government to accept that our work is essential in supporting people with physical, mental and emotional health challenges, and that people’s conditions might worsen should that care be withdrawn. There was also recognition of our Members’ work from a preventative perspective – a huge step forward! This CMA victory meant that our Members were allowed to return to practice – if they chose to do so.

Another example of a high-level victory that affected the entire complementary medical profession was when we persuaded the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) to cease its attacks on our profession by providing them with evidence that their decisions about the sector were not driven by any genuine data, or indeed, knowledge of our field.

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