Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

Do potential clients or students check CMA Members’ credentials with The CMA?

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Do potential clients or students check CMA Members’ credentials with The CMA?

Yes, they do – all the time! A great part of our work consists of liaising with the public and the medical profession to help them with their queries.  

People are (thankfully) very savvy these days and will check to ensure that a Practitioner or Training School, Supplier, Clinic, etc., is genuinely registered with The CMA.  

Of course, people can also check our online database of Members here on this site, and they’ll be able to read about you there – so when you are a CMA Member it is extremely important that you fill out your CMA Page with as much info as you possibly can so that potential clients / students etc., can really get a good idea of exactly what you offer.  

Please make sure you update your CMA site page and listing

It is important to note that while people will search for you on The CMA site, we find that people also like to talk with us to find out about our Members and The CMA Team are only too happy to assist them with their questions – so again the more comprehensive the info you can provide – the better for all. This means that on your own page here on this site, you must include information about how you help people and a practitioner and your courses (if you are registered with us as a school). Remember, please, to include your testimonials as these are incredibly powerful tools in helping a potential client or student make a decision about whether they want to work with you.

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