Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

Stephen Gemmell


Breathwork, Coaching, EFT, Havening, HeartMath, Mental Health First Aid, Mindfulness, Stress Management, Tapping and Thought Field Therapy

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5 Reviews on “Stephen Gemmell”

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  • Stephen Gemmell Listing Owner

    I meet up with Stephen to speak about my fear from the past that was, ( please note I used was) haunting me and holding me back. We did some exercises and as if by magic that horrible feeling I had, that I rated 8/10 was completely gone and I feel relieved that I don’t have that tearful feeling when i thought about this situation. If anyone knew me they would say that I’m rarely left speechless but I was. Stephen I can’t thank you enough. – Claire B

    * reposted from Facebook page and following CMA website upgrade

  • Stephen Gemmell Listing Owner

    Spider Phobia
    Thanks Stephen Gemmell I’m not scared of spiders anymore! – Gary W

    * reposted from my Facebook page and following the recent CMA website upgrade

  • Stephen Gemmell Listing Owner

    Using a combination of distance healing and coaching techniques Stephen helped me to overcome a severe muscle-strain problem that had left me practically immobile. The distance healing had immediate positive effects and the coaching changed how I cope with the very rare mild flare up.

    A sincere and heartfelt thank you, Stephen, without your intervention I believe I would still be in pain and unable to move around properly. You made a huge difference to the quality of my life. – Margaret W

    * reposted from my Facebook page and following recent CMA upgrade of website

  • Stephen Gemmell Listing Owner

    Stephen Gemmell was recommended to me by my new driving instructor after 4 failed driving tests with another instructor. My new instructor had picked up on my nerves, every time we did a mock test everything fell to pieces.

    I met up with Stephen who supported and guided me with his breathing and tapping techniques which I used up to and on the day of my recent test, which I successfully passed.
    These techniques Stephen taught me is an excellent way to control my nerves in challenging situations and is an excellent life skill.

    Many Thanks
    Lauchlan B

    * copied from email with permission and reposted following recent CMA website upgrade

  • Stephen Gemmell Listing Owner

    Stephen helped me massively today on how to deal with a fear of mine & how to help myself with the stress of running a business . would highly recommend 👍🏼 thanks again – Grant B

    * reposted from my Facebook page and following recent CMA website upgrade

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