Simone Buehner


5 Element Acupuncture, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Addiction Therapy, ADHD Awareness, Alkaline Nutrition, Allergy Testing, AllergyTherapies, Allergy Testing, ChiroKinetic Therapy, Alternative Healing, Anti-ageing, Longevity, Anxiety Management, Art Therapy, Autism Awareness, Blood Analysis, Blood Microscopy, Challenging Behaviour in Children and Young People, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME Awareness, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Corporate Wellness Coaching, Health Coach, Herb Gardening, Herbal First Aid, Herbal Hyrosols, Herbal Medicine / Therapies (Western & Eastern), Herbal Tea Blending, Herbalism for Children, Holistic Herbal Product Making and Traditional Eastern Therapies

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