I am a qualified Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist registered with the CMA and FNTP.
I absolutely love working with people, and I get so excited at the opportunity to support someone on their journey to turn their health around using natural means and food as medicine.
One of my favourite aspects of Naturopathic nutrition specifically, is the ‘whole person’ approach. I don’t just look at the presenting symptoms in isolation, I look at the person’s health as a whole. This involves delving back as far as childhood, even looking at predispositions to certain conditions, which may have passed down through generations. Everything in the body is connected so sometimes the root cause can be something seemingly unrelated to the symptoms themselves. This approach also means that we often end up resolving other health issues that the client hadn’t even expected!
I spend time getting to really understand my client’s health history as well as their current symptoms, lifestyle and dietary preferences. This enables me to create a genuinely bespoke and targeted plan for them which fits in with their aims and their lives to ensure it is not only successful but sustainable long-term.
Having worked at a senior level in large corporate organisations and then studying with two small children, I know exactly what it is like to be too busy to properly think about your health. This is where my services come in. It takes a significant amount of time to research someone’s health background, make connections to their present day health picture and then prioritise which areas to focus on, to address the root causes. I take that leg-work out for you, and ensure that the plan I put into place will fit in with your lifestyle and schedule.
My services are offered online, enabling me to connect with clients globally, unrestricted by geographical or logistical limitations and I work with clients with a wide range of health conditions.
I offer a free 15 minute, no-obligation discovery call to help you decide if Nutritional Therapy would be beneficial for you and the various packages I provide.