Monica Meyer


Alternative Healing, Anxiety Management, Art Therapy, Autism Awareness, Body Healing Coach, Body Stress Release, Body Therapy, Coaching, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Counseling, Culinary Medicine, Dance Movement Psychotherapy, Ecotherapy, Exercise Therapies, Forest Bathing, Forest Therapy, Guided Mind Meditation, Healing Breathwork, Holistic Coaching, Holistic Counselling, Holistic Nutrition, Holistic Therapy, Inner Child Work, Journal Therapy, Life Coaching, Meditation, Menopause Coaching, Mind Body Practitioner / Mind Body Therapy, Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle, Personal Development, Retreats, Shinrin Yoku, Sound Therapy Voicework, Spiritual Awakening, Therapeutic Counselling, Wellness Coaching, Women’s Circles and Yoga
