Welcome to Angelrose Holistic & Spiritual Clinic and Training Centre.
My name is Johanna Ellis SDSHom MCMA and I am a qualified Homeopath and a graduate of The South Downs College of Homeopathy. I am also a Qualified Healer, Crystal Therapist, Acu-sound Therapist & a qualified teacher of all the above through my own CMA registered training college. I run Angelrose Homeopathic, Holistic & Spiritual Clinic & Training Centre in Horsham, West Sussex. We share a beautiful clinic with Back In Action Osteopathy, the rooms overlook Horsham Park.
What I do
Homeopathy is a gentle, sympathetic and safe system of healing that acts deeply to restore the whole person, making lasting improvements at all levels: physical, mental & emotional. It respects the fact that every person is unique so it treats the person as a whole and not just the disease. Many conventional doctors are not trained to look at a patient in this way, they tend to treat each ailment separately and consequently the root cause is seldom found. The symptoms may disappear but the disease is often merely suppressed, and reoccurs or surfaces again as another ailment, seemingly unconnected. Homeopathy is used to treat: General aches & pains, Headache/ Migraine, Digestive disorders, Recurrent infections, Coughs/ Colds/ Flu, Fatigue & Insomnia, Stress/ Depression, Anxiety, Gynaecological problems, Asthma/Chest problems, Eczema/ Sinusitis & Much more. Children respond really well to homeopathy & the following is often treated: Feeding difficulties, Nausea & Vomiting, Diarrhoea/ Constipation, Learning difficulties, Behaviour problems, Ear infection/ Glue ear, Childhood illnesses, Sleep disturbances, Colic & Wind.
Crystal Therapy involves use of crystals, Colour & Sound to create a relaxing environment, to help balance the systems of the body, open the Chakras & generally relax & energise the patient. Specific areas can be targeted with special crystals & layouts, such as headaches, aches & pains, stress etc. There are various types of crystals that get used during the treatments, depending on what is going on, these include Wands, Tumblestones, Palmstones & Points. We can also recommend crystals for you to use at home and work.
Acu-sound Therapy is an extremely effective treatment. It is the use of musical tuning forks in a non-invasive way to re-align and balance the body’s natural energy fields and to help clear energetic blockages, working on specific Acupressure points in the body. Harmonic sound, both audible and vibrational can locate and resolve energetic disharmony. This supports self healing and is complementary to other therapeutic measures. It is a gentle and enjoyable method and is opening up fascinating new areas of subtle work Acu-Sound Therapy can be used to treat any illness or ailment or physical, emotional, as it works at a fundamental energetic level. This treatment is non-invasive as it is applied through clothes and therefore can be performed anywhere. Acu-Sound Therapy helps to bring us to a calm, meditative state where we are more receptive to our body and mind and are able to allow the natural healing energies to flow. This is a holistic treatment and therefore the therapeutic effects last long after the treatment is finished.
Spiritual Healing is the channeling of Universal or Spiritual energy. Through the power of love and meditation and wanting to share and help heal, healers link to the Divine/Universal healing energies and Earth energies through the soul, spirit and physical body. The healer is “merely” a channel, a conduit for the energies flow through. There is a big return to the use of healing as an alternative and complimentary therapy and spiritual healing does work fabulously well alongside orthodox healing methods. Healing works on the whole person, on the physical body, the mind, the emotions, resulting in the balancing of all of our energy systems. Healing can actually be used on everything, from plants, animals, places and life situations because everything is pure energy. During contact healing the patient should feel relaxed, and may feel heat or cold. For the healer sensations such as heat, cold, pins and needles and tingling are all very common. There are many methods of Spiritual Healing, aura healing, the power of the crystals, polarity healing, unblocking the chakras with a dowsing crystal, colour healing and many more.
The treatments range From 30-90 mins and cost from £25-£75
Through my Training Centre I run courses in all of the above therapies, as well as lots of workshops & classes.
You can find me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Homeopathyandhealth
or on my website: www.angelroseholisticcentre.co.uk