Jane Holdway


Addiction Therapy, ADHD Awareness, Alternative Healing, Anti-ageing, Longevity, Anxiety Management, Child and Young People’s Mental Health Awareness, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Crystal Healing, Eating Disorder Awareness, Emotional Freedom Technique / EFT, Energy Healing, Energy Medicine, Grief and Bereavement Counselling, HeartHealing TM (Hypnotherapy), Holistic Coaching, Holistic Therapy, IBS Awareness, Inner Child Work, Insomnia Practitioner, Menopause Coaching, Mental Health Awareness, Numeroligy, OCD Excellence Practitoner, Pain Management, Pain Relief, Past Life Healing, Personal Development, Psychology Trauma, Rapid Induction Therapy, Reiki, Self Realisation, Smoking Cessation, Stress Management, Tension Stress and Trauma Release (TRE) and Trauma Release Therapy


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