BSci, PGDip Equine Physiology
I practice animal naturopathy and applied zoopharmacognosy with all animals. I mainly work with horses and other large animals but am equally happy to work with companion animals and birds.
I am a scientist with a formal medical sciences background but I also recognize that traditional and holistic medicine does have a place in helping our animals to stay healthy and overcome many conditions.
I have been caring for horses of all backgrounds, from Grand Prix dressage horses to beloved family pets. I specialize in post-operatory and geriatric care and in conditions affecting the GI tract and the immune system.
Zoopharmacognosy is a behaviour in which animals self-medicate by selecting plants, soils or insects to ingest or apply topically. Most drugs’ templates can be found in nature, so it is not surprising to see animals self-selecting natural medications that work for them.
Naturopathy is based on the premise that nature governs health and its laws: natural balance between species, natural diet, pure water, fresh unpolluted air, sun exposure, rest, and sleep. The body possesses innate healing powers; it has all the elements it requires to live in good health and harmony. The body can therefore heal itself if it is in good health.