Amalia Pavlidi was born and lived in Greece. In 2010 she moved to the Netherlands where she lives to this day.
She is a registered Homeopath and LLLT Therapist for Humans and Animals.
She has a Diploma: Homeopathy with 85%, a Diploma in Medische basiskennis with 93%, a Diploma in Medical Acupuncture with 96.48%. Her research focused on the relationship between meditative practice, physical and mental health.
She has treated more than 5,700 patients in the past 4 years.
She specializes in cold laser and red light laser in animals, certified animal practitioner (LLLT/Photobiomodulation) with Dr. Angelica Barbara. She also has a degree in LLLT, PBM Therapy Photobiomodilation, LASER TRAINING INSTITUTE, Professional Medical Association INC, under the guidance of Gregory T. Absen.ory T. Absen.
She has a Bach Flowers Diploma with distinction, Bach Trattanti per Animali, Floriterapia per Animali, Tecnico Esperto in Dietica e Nutrizione Veterinaria and Naturopatia Veterinaria.
Amalia offers sessions and Teaches, Homeopathy, Anatomy, Homeopathy for Animals, LLLT for Humans and Animals.