I provide Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy, Light Therapy (Red, Blue, Purple and Near Infrared), Hydrogen Therapy and Naturopathy. These are synergistic therapies that can increase cellular energy, improve cellular respiration, reduce or remove inflammation, pain and many other problems we might face, in particular by improving some of the biomarkers of ageing. Of particular benefit is to memory and the brain, and so with a full protocol can help with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Improving one’s cellular membrane, cellular respiration, cellular energy by improving mitochondria function and improving circulation, our body can self heal and achieve new wellness and a sense of youthfulness.
Our PEMF machine is the most powerful versatile equipment in the world. We can provide full mat treatment over 8000 gauss and directed areas treatments via various, hoops and paddles over 24,000 gauss. Our Light Panel, is customized to our needs and provides very high irradiance, meaning we get the results we want.
In addition, our Hydrogen treatment provides the body with potent anti-oxidant and systemic anti inflammation benefits. Inflammation is the underlying cause of many conditions, from dementia to heart disease.