
The information given on this website is provided for educational use only and describes ways in which a variety of natural healthcare approaches have been used traditionally by complementary medical practitioners, integrative medical doctors, and natural healthcare practitioners.  

The information and recommendations given in this web site are not intended to constitute medical advice or to be a substitute for medical advice, furthermore descriptions of traditional uses of a variety of approaches, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathic remedies, essential oils, and any other traditionally used substance mentioned on this site – when applied to specific health conditions – do not consitute health claims.

Consult your doctor or CMA Registered Complementary Medical Practitioner before acting on any of the suggestions or recommendations on this site.

The CMA disclaims any liability, loss, injury, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of the advice contained herein.

All claims and statements about the efficacy of treatments are the sole responsibility of the practitioner, training school, or supplier concerned and are not endorsed or approved by The Complementary Medical Association. If you would like clarification of a claim of efficacy please contact the practitioner, training school, or supplier directly.
