CMA Membership Benefits

There are so many benefits to CMA Membership - worth thousands of pounds, and you'll receive full information when you join. Here are just a few...

Your own FULL page on The CMA website

With links to your own site - Publicity for you AND SEO for your site. You can update this page as often as you wish – there’s space on it to tell the world what you do, and to incorporate your all-important contact details and even those vital testimonials!

Post nominal letters, e.g., MCMA, FCMA, SCMA, etc.

Nothing says more about your commitment to excellence and standards than your Membership of The CMA! Use your official CMA post-nominal letters and demonstrate your dedication to professionalism in this field.

CMA Showcase Videos

You'll get your own bespoke video that we create for you to grow your business; This is an outstanding opportunity to really promote your work so that people can get to ‘know, like and trust’ you and develop 'social proof' which is the best way of building any business

Use of The CMA logo

Make sure that you place The CMA logo on your website, brochures, business card and more. The CMA logo is our Registered Trademark and it is only allowed to be used by people who are genuinely Registered with The CMA. It makes you instantly recognisable to members of the public and the medical profession and demonstrates that you are a genuine part of this hugely respected organisation.

CMA Online Professional Database listing and CMA Referral Scheme

The CMA website features a free-to-access database of all our Members – so that you and your services can easily be found. We guide all (public and medical professionals) who enquire about practitioners, courses and organisations to this database and they can contact you directly from there.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Hugely important for us all in this profession. We offer you lots of opportunities to keep your professional skills up-to-date with courses, seminars, ongoing tutorials and more.

Membership ID Card, Certificate

It is vital that you display your CMA certificate within your office or practice rooms to confirm your Membership of this esteemed organisation. We also provide you with an ID card, which many of our Members find useful when on external site visits.

Membership pack

Your CMA Membership pack contains your beautiful CMA Certificate for you to proudly display in your office or practice. We also include lots of other exciting goodies including The CMA brochure, your CMA ID Card – helpful on external site or home visits, your CMA Pen, Key Ring and Lapel Badge, and your CMA Welcome letter – full of really helpful information.

London Boroughs Special Treatment Exempted Status

Certain categories of practitioner are subject to requiring a “Special Treatment License” if they work in London and other cities. These licenses cost up to £1000+ and practicing without one leaves the practitioner open to a fine of up to £5000+. By registering with The CMA, you are covered under our umbrella exemption – saving you thousands – and protecting you and your practice.

Specially Negotiated Low Cost Insurance Block Scheme for CMA Members Only

We recommend two exceptional insurance brokers - both of which offer the very best policies available and we have negotiated huge discounts on behalf of our CMA Registered Members – in all categories. (For UK Members - overseas Members, please source professional indemnity coverage in your own country)

Helping you get a foot in the door and develop your credentials and professional reputation

The CMA works with NHS Trusts and most recently has been working with University College Hospital London (UCHL) to place CMA Registered volunteers in their staff health units and on wards. These voluntary positions can lead to paid positions in time, and we are actively working with our colleagues at UCHL to identify other NHS Trusts who would love to host CMA Members on their teams as well.

CMA weekly e-Newsletter

This fantastically informative email brings you the very latest news and research from around the world on all aspects of complementary medicine, natural health and wellness – and relevant conventional medical findings too. We also keep you posted about political issues that directly affect, or potentially impact our rights to practice and teach complementary medicine. We welcome your contributions!

CMA Training / Courses

The CMA is dedicated to keeping our Members at the top of their profession, to this end we consistently offer ongoing training – with a particular emphasis on practice and training school development. CMA Members benefit from hugely discounted rates for these courses, compared to non-Members.

CMA Code of Ethics, Professional Practice Guidance, Disciplinary Procedure

The CMA has a strict Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Procedure and we provide ongoing Practice Guidance as issues arise.

Ongoing media campaign to promote The CMA and our Members in all categories

Over the decades, we have put huge effort into firmly establishing The CMA as the leading organisation in the field. Part of this awareness campaign has been our commitment to utilising various types of mass media to raise awareness of The CMA – and our Members. We estimate that we receive well over a million views each month across all forms of media – print, broadcast and online. All this helps to position YOU and your work as an industry leader.

CMA Facebook Page and Group

Our social media platforms are an extremely valuable part of our Membership – don’t miss out on using these to stay up to date with CMA activities – they are especially useful if we need to get information to you quickly. You are invited to promote your services in these groups on our specially designated “Promo Fridays”! Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to tell the world about your work.

Complementary Medical Association YouTube Channel

The CMA’s YouTube channel provides ongoing education and information to grow your expertise. You are invited to participate in interviews with CMA personnel to help disseminate information about your work to a global audience.

CMA Master Classes business / practice / school development

The CMA is dedicated to helping you grow your business. Do join our regular Tutorials and Webinars for lively discussions about all areas of work in this absolutely unique field. You’ll meet renowned expert guests, experience fascinating lectures - with lots of worksheets, videos, Q&A sessions and much more – all designed to support your success.

Liaison at governmental level representing All CMA Members

The CMA represents your interests at Governmental level – and we shape policy within this field to support our Members. CMA Members are allowed to attend meetings at the House of Commons by arrangement for relevant sessions. For example - did you know that The CMA was instrumental in getting the law changed during lockdown so that our Members were allowed to return to work? We also worked at governmental level establishing professional standards in countries including the USA, Hungary, Bulgaria and Nepal - with more to come.

Liaison with and education of conventional medicine organisations, doctors, and other medical personnel

The CMA is the first port of call for conventional medical organisations when it comes to disseminating information about the evidence-base for complementary medical approaches. As you’ll appreciate, there is a lot of misunderstanding among our conventional medical colleagues about the data supporting complementary / integrative medical approaches. Many doctors and medical personnel believe that there is a lack of research in this arena – we beg to differ. A great part of our work is helping doctors, their colleagues and medical students to understand exactly what the wealth of research in this field actually says – and how to refer their patients to our Members.

Webinars, Seminars, CPD workshops, and further qualifications

The CMA liaises with various respected organisations who are offering further training to our Members, such as workshops, tutorials and larger scale events - such as conferences. If we believe that these are of value, we negotiate special rates for our Members as part of our Membership Benefits package.

Awards, Competitions, Draws

We constantly have exciting activities for you to get involved with – competitions, draws, awards – all with fabulous prizes. We work hard to make your CMA Membership rewarding and exciting. We also believe in recognising the amazing work you do – do get involved with these fun – and important initiatives!

Downloads (Appointment cards, Practice forms, etc.)

We have lots of really helpful CMA branded practice and business form for you to download from The CMA website.


Demonstrate your allegiance to The CMA with tastefully branded merchandise – you’ll find this in The CMA shop pages.

Speak to REAL People!

Probably one of our most important benefits is that you can always pick up the phone, or shoot us a message and you’ll be in contact directly with a real person! We know what your work challenges are, we’ve helped tens of thousands of CMA Members over the years – and we are here for you!

Practice / School / Business / Student Development Advice

Remember that the entire CMA Team is made up of practitioners, teachers, course directors, medics and more and so, over the years we have seen every permutation of practice and course imaginable. You can call upon this great wealth of experience to grow your career in this exciting field. Thinking of expanding your practice? Creating a brand new discipline to teach to others? Growing your school? We are in your corner – and here to help!

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You’ll receive a whole host of unique CMA Member benefits and you’ll help support the incredible work of The CMA!