Menorrhagia (heavy periods) 


What is Menorrhagia?

Menstruation that is very heavy and where a lot of blood is lost.


Tumours, hormonal imbalance, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, having an IUD fitted. In some cases, there appears to be no cause at all. 

(See also our article on Dysmenorrhea)

Complementary Approach

The following information does not constitute a prescription or recommendation. This is included for your information only.

Eat: A healthy, well balanced diet of fruit and vegetables.

Avoid eating: Junk food and all processed food.

Nutritional Supplements

Iron: It is essential to have a blood test to check iron levels as lost blood can result in low levels, although it is not just having heavy periods that can result in low iron levels. It seems that women who have no underlying cause or reason for heavy periods benefit from taking iron. Do not take supplements of iron unless you are deficient.

Vitamin A: Deficiencies have shown up in women who have heavy periods, and trials show that taking this supplement significantly benefited those who suffered with menorrhagia. Take 25,000 IU twice a day. Do not, however, take more than 10,000 IU per day if you are pregnant.

Vitamin E: Reports show that taking vitamin E supplements for 2 weeks greatly reduced blood loss especially in cases where an IUD is fitted. However, it is not known if vitamin E is helpful to those whose menorrhagia is not due to having an IUD fitted.

Herbs that may help this condition

The herbs mentioned here have historically been considered beneficial in the treatment of various conditions including menorrhagia. Therefore, these are often recommended by healthcare practitioners. 

Vitex (Agnus-Castus): Balances the hormonal system in women as has been used in traditional medicine for years. However, Vitex is not a fast acting herb. For this particular condition Vitex can be used for up to 4-6 months. Add 40 drops of concentrated liquid Vitex to a glass of water and take first thing in the morning. Vitex also comes in capsule and tablet form.

Cinnamon: Traditionally used for the treatment of various menstrual disorders.

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