Heartburn / Indigestion

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Heartburn / Indigestion

Although the two gastrointestinal (GI) conditions have similar causes and treatments, heartburn and indigestion differ in their location of symptoms, although there is some overlap in symptoms. Heartburn occurs in the chest and oesophagus, while indigestion affects the lower abdomen. It is possible to experience both heartburn and indigestion at the same time. They can affect all ages and genders, and are often experienced during pregnancy.


A burning sensation that rises from the abdomen to behind the breastbone rising up towards the throat area, where the acid can leave a bitter, sometimes gagging, taste in the mouth. While heartburn symptoms can be felt in the chest and oesophageal areas, indigestion primarily affects the abdominal area,


The acid found in the gastric juices rises up because of a regurgitation of stomach contents into the gullet.

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into your oesophagus due to a weak, damaged, or relaxed lower esophageal sphincter; it may also be a symptom of a chronic condition called gastroesophageall reflux disease (GERD).

Also known as dyspepsia, which means ‘impaired digestion’, indigestion is usually caused by stomach and may be related to your eating habits, how your digestive system functions, and your perception of pain and discomfort. However, more complex underlying conditions may be the culprit, such as a peptic ulcer or a hypersensitized GI tract.

Complementary Advice

Eat: Foods that aid digestion such as pineapples and papaya (you can eat a few of the papaya seeds too). Chewing your food well and eating more raw foods is good advice to heed. Do not eat for 3 hours before bed.

At the first signs of heartburn, drink plenty of water.

Fresh potato juice is great for heartburn, but drink it as soon as you make it – it will go black if you try to store it. Juice a raw potato with its skin in a juicer. Add an equal amount of water and drink 3 times a day.

Added 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar to a glass of water and sip it at regular intervals throughout mealtimes. 

Don’t eat: Certain foods seem to aggravate heartburn, so avoid the following: Carbonated drinks, spicy foods, processed, fatty, fried foods, and sugar.

Nutritional Supplements 

The following information does not constitute a prescription or recommended dose – studies have been conducted using the dosages stated and are included for your information only. The nutrients mentioned here are often recommended by healthcare practitioners.

Papaya: Tablets relieve symptoms of heartburn. Look for chewable forms and follow the directions on the label.

Vitamin B complex: Needed for proper digestion. Take 50 mg 3 times a day with meals.

Vitamin B12: Take 200 mcg 3 times daily. Use a lozenge form.   

Pancreatin plus bromelain: These nutrients will provide enzymes necessary for digestion. Take as directed on label.


The herbs mentioned here have historically been considered beneficial in the treatment of various conditions including heartburn. Therefore, these and previously mentioned herbs are often recommended by healthcare practitioners.

Take any of the following herbal teas to ease heartburn: Marshmallow root, papaya tea

Fennel: A long-held aid to digestion. You can either eat fennel seeds or make a tea out of the seeds. If eaten, consume between 5-7 grams daily. To make tea, boil 250 ml of water to which you have added 2-4 grams of crushed seeds and steep for 10-15 minutes, keeping the pot covered so the volatile oils in the fennel seeds don’t evaporate. Allow to cool, strain and drink 3 cups a day. As an alternative, you can take 2-4 ml of tincture of fennel 3 times a day. 

Turmeric: Standardized extract is available either as a tincture or as tablets / capsules. The tincture can be used in the amount of 0.5-1.5 ml 3 times a day. In tablet / capsule form take 400-600 mg of curcumin (the active ingredient of turmeric) 3 times a day. Do not take turmeric if you have gallstones.  

Further Information

Stress can aggravate the condition so do all you can to ensure you are treating stress; taking up exercise, seeing a counsellor, or practising relaxation techniques.  

Keeping the stomach below the oesophagus will keep it free from acid, to do this lie on your left side. 

Taking antacids that contain aluminium is not recommended as aluminium has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.  


Sandy Calhoun Rice. The Difference Between Heartburn and Indigestion, 2024.

Indigestion (Dyspepsia). Cleveland Clinic, 2022.

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