Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

Cosmodic Training School


Energy Healing, Energy Medicine



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3 Reviews on “Cosmodic Training School”

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  • Vivienne Constad Listing Owner

    Testimonial – Maria T – October 2023
    Vivienne is an expert in the leading edge technology SCENAR/Cosmodic/ENS device. Given her many years of experience with the device and her knowledge not only of the evolution of the device and the inventor, but also of the human body she is quite a master at using and teaching this device and therapy. She focuses on finding the balance and harmony of the person who is been treated, which makes a huge difference.

    Vivienne’s training was informative and interactive which gave me practice of what I could do and should know to use and apply the device. I valued being in person and at her own house so could ask as many questions as I needed. I have been using the device since then and feel great. I can recommend her as a teacher and practitioner. She is quite THE expert in this therapy and device. Thank you Vivienne!

  • Vivienne Constad Listing Owner

    This is excellent! I will thoroughly study the manual, and if any questions remain, I will reach out to you … Sergei G – May 2023

  • Vivienne Constad Listing Owner

    Testimonial – Dr Julian October 2022
    “Without Vivienne’s experience, immeasurable expertise, guidance and input, I am not sure one could fully grasp the awesome potential of the ENS technology. It was a paradigm shift in thinking and approach. Months, maybe years of use might have taken me to the same place. I am looking forward to spending more time with Vivienne, since it was not only fun, but after gaining some more practical experience I will no doubt need her perspective to take me even further down the road of success and healing for others.”

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