The Body´n´Soul Wellness Academy aims to bring the various aspects of holistic health promotion to people through its educational activities. Body’n’Soul considers balanced nutrition, functional movement and holistic lifestyle as the main tools for health promotion.
Our mission is to provide training courses and professional qualifications that incorporate scientific principles and holistic health care. Restoring balance to the triadic unity of body, mind and spirit is paramount in our training. Our Yoga, Pilates training courses and especially our most elaborate 10-months online course – the Holistic Health Coach course – follow the holistic concept of taking into account all elements of the human being (physical, mental and spiritual) to promote optimal health and well-being.
Within our courses, our main aim is to provide our students with the highest level of theoretical and practical knowledge based on scientific principles, enhanced by our team of qualified instructors. Our instructors are all qualified professionals who are committed to promoting the development of students and deepening their theoretical and practical knowledge.
Our school provides internationally recognized diplomas, and we also provide additional professional mentoring to help our graduates become as successful as possible in their careers, whether at home or abroad.
“In my view, a combination of nutritional therapy, movement therapy, stress management, self-awareness and self-improvement training, and naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to health maintenance or health restoration.
My ultimate goal is to bring to people both Western scientific knowledge and Eastern knowledge and experience that will enable them to live a healthy lifestyle and achieve physical and mental balance.”
Dr. Suzanna Braeger – Head of Health & Nutrition Department
Body ´n´Soul Wellness Academy