Quantum Energy Healing Courses
Connect with Universal Collective Consciousness of the Stars
Arcturus Quantum Healing® is an online+practical course series that teaches about Chakras & Energy Medicine, Pro-Consciousness Medicine, Quantum Healing, Accessing Higher States of Consciousness, Mantras and practical energy healing protocols for today’s holistic and integrative energy healers.
Students in this course will learn multiple disciplinary such as the power of intentions, emotional alignments, chakra-organ relations in Chakra Medicine, visualisations, mantras, crystals, energy symbols, co-creating and channelling with their very own energy Arcturians Healing Team (Level Two) for quantum leap transformations and energy healing!
It is a multi-dimensional integrative energy healing system co-created between Yantara Jiro and his channelled Arcturians Healing Team over two decades taught in five countries.