From my late twenties I had tremendous interest in nutrition and when a relative was diagnosed with terminal cancer I realized the enormous part emotional/mental balance also has on our physical healing. Kinesiology is used to assess all aspects of imbalance, and work out what the body needs to assist healing.
After completing my Diploma in Naturopathy, I consulted a Kinesiologist regarding my own health issues, I was impressed at the speed of diagnosis and the results as to my condition were accurate, this enabled me to prescribe supplements to heal my presenting health issue. There is no doubt that the techniques would be a perfect partner to Naturopathy.
I’ve now been in business since 1997, having worked for many years in the Lake District. I was also involved with Breath For Life Clinic in Lancaster for 5 years, working with children up to 18 years old. During this time I did the LEAP training course with Charles Krebs; enabling further assistance to be given to the children at the clinic.