Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

CMA Members’ Showcase Videos – a Major CMA Membership Benefit

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Promote YOUR work with a CMA Members’ Showcase Video

This is an amazing initiative from The CMA that is specifically designed to help you to promote your business – this opportunity is open to all our CMA Registered Members: Practitioners, Training Schools, Clinics, Spas, Retreats, CMA Approved Suppliers and our Association Members.

We are offering you the unique opportunity to be interviewed on video by CMA President, Jayney Goddard, during which, you’ll be able to showcase your work so that people can get a really clear idea of exactly what you offer.

We will put the video up on The CMA YouTube Channel – and you will be able to use the video on your site and in your promotions too.

Crucially, this video will demonstrate to the world that you have a commitment to excellence and professionalism – as you are a Member of The CMA.

The format of the video is an informal discussion, where Jayney will ask you general questions about your work, how you became interested in your field, why people should work with you or study with you etc. (depending upon your Membership category). You can, of course, flag up any particular questions you’d like to be asked – or any topics you’d particularly like to cover in the discussion, prior to the interview – so that you truly get the most out of this.

This is an outstanding opportunity to really promote yourself – and your business – in such a way that people can get to ‘know, like and trust‘ you – as we know, social proof is truly one of the best ways of building any business.

How to get started

First of all – please take a close look at the document in this link below.  In order for your showcase video to work well for you – and to present you in the very best way, it is essential that your video and sound are top notch – thankfully, technology is so advanced nowadays that you can ensure that this is achieved by getting just a few bits and pieces in place.  This document contains links to the equipment that we use ourselves – and feel confident in recommending to you.

Here is a link to the document:

CMA Showcase Video Instructions

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