Benzoin – Essential Oil

Benzoin Essential Oil
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Benzoin – Essential Oil

Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)

Benzoin stimulates and soothes at the same time, smelling similar to vanilla, making it a primary oil used in perfume and incense. It is a ‘resinoid’, which means it has to mixed with other solvents in order for it to be pourable. It is also known as Gum Benzoin or Gum Bejamin.  

While benzoin can be used alone as a tincture in ethanol, it is traditionally known as the main ingredient in the medicinal remedy Friar’s Balsam – a compound tincture that is known to have been used since the 1760’s in the treatment of bronchitis and chesty colds. Also called Compound Benzoin Tincture.

Other uses include:


Cracked skin



Respiratory problems

Throat problems




Do not use on babies or children under the age of 5 years old. 


Especially if they are slow to heal.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grape seed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Cracked skin

Gentle on skin.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grape seed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Ointments: Add a drop of oil to moisturiser and rub into feet.

Footbath: Put 3 drops of oil in bowl of warm or hot water and soak feet for up to 15 minutes.



Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grape seed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light burner.  

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.



Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grape seed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light burner.  

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.

Respiratory Problems

Anti-inflammatory and an effective expectorant.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops to bath of water and lie back and relax.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light burner.

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grape seed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light burner.  

Throat problems


Directions for use

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grape seed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.


Benzoin has a good effect on those with ‘jangled’ nerves.

Directions for use

Bath: Add up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to a bath of water and lie back and relax.

Handkerchief: Put a couple of drops of pure essential oil onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as and when required.

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grape seed) to 10 drops of pure essential oil.

Oil burners: Sprinkle up to 5 drops of pure essential oil onto water and light burner.  

Inhalation: Boil 1 litre of water and pour into a bowl, add up to 10 drops of pure essential oil, place a towel over your head and allow steam to rise and inhale.


Sluggish circulation responds well to this oil. 

Directions for use

Massage: Mix 20 ml of carrier oil (sweet almond, grape seed) with 8 drops of pure essential oil.

Further Information

Where grown: Benzoin is obtained from the resin of a tree called Styrax benzoin belonging to the family Styraceae. The tree grows in Java, Malaya, and Borneo.  

Parts used and method of extraction: The resin is collected from the tree trunk that is tapped (cut into to) to let the resin come out. The oil is obtained by solvent extraction.

Colour and smell: Benzoin is not strictly an essential oil but a resin. However, when heated over hot water, the oil becomes very viscous and an orange-amber in colour. It is often mixed with alcohol to make it more pourable. Make sure wood alcohol has been used, and, if in doubt ,buy it in solid form and heat it up yourself. Because its smell resembles vanilla, it is said that It smells of ice cream.

Active Ingredients: Benzoic acid, vanillin, siaresinotannol, and benzoresinol.

Properties: Soothing, stimulating.

Mixes well with: Rose.

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