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The Complementary Medical Association

Maximising the Impact of Client Testimonials

Maximising the Impact of Client Testimonials
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Maximising the Impact of Client Testimonials

In this week’s article we are focusing once again on business development and how The CMA can help your business grow! As you know, in the competitive world of complementary medicine, client testimonials and success stories are among the most powerful tools available to all of us in this exciting profession – they are important whether you are a CMA Practitioner, a Training School, a CMA Approved Supplier or one of our Registered Clinics, Spas or Retreats!

A well-crafted testimonial can build trust, credibility, and influence potential clients’ decisions, making it an invaluable asset in your marketing strategy. I have written this article so that we can explore, together, how to easily and effectively gather testimonials, creatively showcase them, and turn these stories into marketing assets that dramatically help grow your business.

As always, everything that we share with you, here at The CMA – whether it is the latest research on a technique, a medicine or a marketing strategy – is fully research-based. I have written this article from the heart in the hope that you will take advantage of the suggestions I share – as they have been proven – in marketing research studies – to work quickly and effectively to grow businesses. My hope is that you’ll benefit too. But remember – these suggestions only work . . . if you actually take action.

Maximising the Impact of Client Testimonials

1. Gathering Effective Testimonials and Success Stories

To create meaningful testimonials, it’s important to be intentional about how you gather them. Here are some tips to ensure you collect impactful and relatable stories:

  • Choose the Right Moments: The timing of when you request a testimonial can make a difference. After a client has completed a programme, experienced a notable improvement, or expressed gratitude for your services, take the opportunity to ask them to share their story. In marketing, we call this ‘the moment of maximum happiness!’
  • Ask Specific Questions: Rather than asking clients to write a general statement, guide them with questions that bring out the most compelling aspects of their experience. Here are a few questions you might consider:
    • What was the main challenge you faced before seeking our services?
    • How did you feel throughout the process?
    • What positive changes have you experienced as a result of the treatment / training / using our product etc?
    • Would you recommend our services to others? If so, why?
  • Offer Multiple Formats: Some clients may feel more comfortable writing a testimonial, while others might prefer to speak on camera or in a recorded audio message. Providing a few options allows clients to share their story in the format they’re most comfortable with, which can lead to a more authentic and impactful result.
  • Consider Incentives: For some clients, a small token of appreciation – like an ebook, downloadable meditation and so on – I’m not personally in favour of discounting our therapeutic sessions as this speaks to a lack of perceived value – and we MUST demonstrate the value of our services – rather than potentially ‘cheapening’ them. Just be sure that any incentive you offer doesn’t influence what they say; authentic testimonials are the most valuable.

2. Showcasing Testimonials on Different Marketing Platforms

Once you’ve gathered a collection of client testimonials, it’s time to put them to work. Here are some creative and easy-to-implement ways that you can showcase testimonials across different platforms:

3. Turning Client Stories into Powerful Marketing Assets

A well-used testimonial is more than just a quote; it’s a marketing asset that reflects your brand’s success. Here’s how to get the most out of each story:

  • Create a Case Study: A single testimonial can often evolve into a full case study. With the client’s permission, expand on their story by outlining their initial challenges, your approach, and the successful outcome. Case studies are powerful tools that provide a deeper understanding of your methods and expertise and can be shared on your website, in emails, and even in printed materials.
  • Use Testimonials as Social Proof in Advertising: When creating digital ads, incorporate testimonials to increase engagement and build trust right away. A short testimonial paired with an attractive image can make a simple yet highly effective advertisement. This strategy can work on Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads.
  • Feature Client Stories in Blog Articles: If you regularly blog, try including a relevant client success story in an article. Not only does this provide social proof, but it also brings your content to life. For example, if you’re writing an article about holistic approaches to stress management, including a client’s experience with a related treatment can illustrate your points in a relatable way.
  • Share Testimonials in Video Format: With the rise of video content, using video testimonials is an excellent way to stand out. These can be short, client-recorded clips shared on social media or professionally produced videos that highlight several clients’ experiences. Video testimonials convey emotion more effectively than text and allow prospective clients to see and hear real people speak about your services.
  • Celebrate Success Stories on Milestone Occasions: Use holidays, anniversaries, or any significant milestones as an opportunity to celebrate client successes. For example, you might compile a “Top 10 Success Stories of the Year” post or share highlights around holidays as a way of spreading gratitude and positivity. Not only does this provide a festive marketing moment, but it also showcases how your services have made a difference in people’s lives.

My Final Thoughts

When I teach Practice and Training School development, I’m always so keen to encourage people to use testimonials – effectively – in fact, the marketing research around this confirms that testimonials are the most important thing that you can do to build your business!

So, don’t wait . . . gather and incorporate client testimonials, success stories and more into your marketing efforts today! It is a proven strategy for building trust and attracting new clients. By gathering authentic testimonials and creatively showcasing them across various platforms, then transforming them into dynamic marketing assets, you can amplify the voice of your clients – and position your Practice, Training School or Organisation as a leader in the complementary medicine field.

Remember, testimonials are not just about the words themselves – they’re about the positive impact your services have on real lives. As you collect and share these stories, you’ll find that they can open doors to new opportunities, connect you with a broader audience, and reinforce the value of your work in helping people lead healthier, more balanced lives.

The CMA Business Development Articles are brought to you by Jayney Goddard MSc, PG Dip Ed, FCMA, FRSM, President, The Complementary Medical Association

Take a look at other helpful articles in this series:

The Importance of CMA CPD to Grow Your Business!

Grow your Natural Health Business NOW as a Trusted Expert

Caring for the Carers – Top Tips for CMA Members

From Burnout to Balance: How to Sustain Your Energy as a Practitioner

Embracing Autumn’s Wisdom – Wise Words for Practitioners

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