Hello, I’m Rachael, Founder of Moonlight Rose School of Mastery and the ordained channel of the Water Mastery Healing System.
I am a Moon Priestess, Water Servant, Angelic Reiki Master, Crystal Healing Master and Sound Practitioner.
The Water Mastery™ is a high vibrational, multidimensional angelic healing system that blends sonic sound and angelic energies together to formulate a unique and complete healing system. Within this ‘water based’ system, there are three levels to be attuned to:-
Working with the fluid transporting systems, organs, acu-points and energetic pathways and meridians of the body, this healing system is designed to enhance and restructure the quality of all the water molecules and crystalline structures within the body; flushing and clearing the body of emotional and physical pollutants which inhibit the frequency of each cell, structure and system and cause dis-ease. By balancing the Water and Fire elements of the body, this divine healing system, will encourage the water held within the body to flow more freely, nourishing, oxygenating and de-toxifying each cell and system. As the water inside the cells and body is critical for health, this healing system will bring wellness and vitality as well as activating and illuminating the light body for ascension and spiritual growth. Within this level, we work with the Seraphim and Ancient Light Beings known as the Silver Blue Dolphins.
Working at a Soul Level, with the Pleiadian Star System, The Moon, The Sun, and the Violet Flame, we are working to transmute past life stories held within the water body . Using specific sound frequencies and hands on healing in the etheric body, we are able to create moon tides to bring to the surface suppressed, outdated karmic patterns that no longer serves us. Master Jesus, Mary Magdalene and St.Germain step forward to assist with this healing system.
Master Level – Healing the Original Wounds
After completing levels one and two, the third and final teacher level takes you through the healing journey from Conception, Birth, Maiden, Mother to Crone. Healing the wounded inner child within to release energetic imprints that are preventing ourselves from living life fully.
Within this level, you will receive attunements from Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Beings of Pure Unconditional Love, Unicorns.
Working with the Pericardium Meridian and Heart Meridian, through acu sound healing, crystals and hands on healing, we are able to break down the barriers to release any trauma that surround our heart centres. This healing system focuses on the Heart, Higher Heart, Sacral and Throat Chakra.
After completing all three levels, you will then have an opportunity to be initiated into The Order of the Moonlight Rose™.