Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

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a word from our members...

Tracy Ferriss

During lockdown, I found The CMA drop-in sessions useful and supportive. When everyone else seemed to go underground, The CMA kept in touch with its members for free.

Carol Haughie


Although I am now retired from practice, I have had a great interest in undertaking all of your advanced courses. This also keeps my neural connections active and contributes to positive health.

Amanda Winwood

I just wanted to say a big thank you to the amazing team at The CMA.  These business development assets are absolutely brilliant and will really enhance the package that we offer our students. 

Many thanks again and warm wishes to all.

Allison McQueen–Luzar

As a new member, I have to say I love The CMA, as everyone is so helpful and supportive.  Welcome pack was the best I have received, and the information available is invaluable.  So glad I joined, worth every penny!

Tony Hardiman CDA SBRCP (Oriental Medicine) Master of Chi-Do.


As a Fellow of The CMA I have found a greater acceptance of comments and opinion when referring people to medical professionals.  


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